I get calls occasionally from people in spiritual crisis, namely, they feel that there is a negative energy or entity around them or in their home. Often, they feel threatened and their children and pets are being terrorized. I have been there in the past and understand the fear and the feeling of having no help.
I was not brought up religious so had no tools to deal with this. I had to find my own way, navigate through it. I learned much and now can help others.
The advice I give is always this:
1) google "invoke Archangel Michael" . Choose the invocation that you prefer (there will be a few versions).
2) Invoke Michael at least 2x per day and teach your kids how to also. Be sure to ask for protection for all people, animals and the spirits of your ancestors also.
3) Keep in mind this powerful, easy and fast prayer and use it when you feel threatened/feel a presence in the moment, in an acute situation/no time for a long prayer. Simply state firmly and aloud- "In the name of Jesus, Satan be gone !"
Whether you're religious, Christian or not, this will work. Everything harmful or evil HAS to leave.
4) Call local metaphysical shops & centers in your area. Or go to meetup.com . You need to find groups/people in your area who have experience dealing with these issues. They will be able to advise you and do a house cleansing/blessing. You need support. Isolation is NOT advisable.
5) While you seek help, continue invocations morning and night at the least.
6) Go to Youtube.com. and search " frequency to raise your vibration" "frequency for protection" "the violet flame " "archangel michael invocation" "st germain invocation" . Make a playlist of these and others suggested if you like. Play it at least once per day, if not all day long. You may also play your list on low volume while sleeping. Play in kids rooms and near pet beds also.
7) Google "psychic protection" "protect yourself and home from evil" protect home from hauntings" "feng shui cure for haunting/ghosts" etc Theres a lot out there.
1) focus on, discuss or try to figure out who this entity is or why theyre here. Ask for protection from them and for them to be removed, period.
2) question your kids. If there truly is an entity, you need to pull together. Not being supportive with your kids will make them more vulnerable and they may even draw closer to the entity ("if you cant beat them , join them") Tell them there are good & bad things in the world and not all can be seen with the eyes, but also tell them good is stronger than evil, God is stronger, etc and tell them about Archangel Michael- empower them with a simplified, easy- to- remember invocations
KEEP IN MIND - alcohol , drugs, illness and lack of sleep weaken the aura and make you more vulnerable. Take good care of yourself at this time!
Here's my own version of an invocation. It covers every base:
Archangel Michael, I invoke you in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. I ask for your protection for myself, my family, my pets, my ancestors in spirit and all animals and people in on and around this home and property, and also those who cross or visit this property. Protect us and also all inanimate objects in , on and around this property. Protect us from all evil and harmful energies and entities from all times, places and dimensions. Protect us throughout all time place and dimension. Thank you. In the name of the Father the Son and the Holy Spirit, it is done.
I do this prayer every morning before I do any readings.
God Bless You
Great blog love the post keep up the good work....I'll be back....
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