Tuesday, January 15, 2013

How to avoid phony psychics / psychic scams

As an honest professional psychic, Im horrified by the stories I hear about psychic scammers. Im here to tell you that there ARE honest psychics and to help you avoid the phony ones.
   Apparently, not all of us have good intentions. Many so called psychics are in it only for the money. Some arent using their intuition at all, but instead, reading your body language, tone of voice, etc and making very general statements. When I was younger, I was scammed by a few of them myself.
1) Marketing. The psychic with the biggest ads is not necessarily the best psychic. Many of us are NOT business minded, NOT ambitious, NOT financially able to afford expensive ads. billboards, high rent offices.
Most healers and psychics I know, including myself, are not good at business, marketing, self-promotion, tech stuff like Facebook, Twitter, etc. We are busy meditating, doing readings, helping peopl,e and animals, doing art.
2) Convenience. The psychic w/the store-front office who accepts walk-in /no appointment required isnt necessarily the best psychic. Many of us work from our homes, by appointment. Many of us are busy doing many readings daily, or we dont do readings 24/7 and have other jobs or businesses.
HOW TO FIND/CHOOSE the best psychic for you-
1) Google, research, read reviews. Visit a few websites. Which psychic are you drawn to? Trust your intuition. You may also go to local new age shops or health food stores and ask if they can recommend someone. They may have in-house psychics  right there, or they may have business cards of people they recommend. Check these psychic out before you schedule though- ask for references or check online reviews.
2) Ask them questions before scheduling. How long have they been reading? What are their gifts (clairvoyant? tarot cards? medium?)  What is their reading style/philosophy? What can you expect from the reading? (what can they offer/not offer/ how can they help/not help? How long of a reading do you get for how much?
1) Speaks in general terms that he/she could say to anyone. Example- "youre a nice person but people take advantage of you"
2) Asks lots of questions/ tries to get you to talk. They may be trying to get info because they are not very intuitive/dont know how to read the cards. I personally insist that my clients do NOT give me ANY info. Many are dying to tell me their story/the history of their relationship, etc, but I dont allow it til AFTER I have shuffled, laid down and interpreted the cards, THEN they may tell me whats going on so we can go deeper and get  more info and so I can help them phrase the next question(s).
3) Tells you 100% what will happen or exactly when it will happen. The truth is that the future is NOT carved in stone, but that you CREATE it withyout thoughts, choices, actions and prayers. A psychic that tells you otherwise is either-
a) means well but is mis-informed
b) wanting you to be dependent on them/worship them as "all-knowing'all-seeing"
4) Is totally inaccurate. If nothing they say rings true to you, or is totally wrong, after a few minutes, ask to stop and not pay/get your money back. Give it about 5 minutes because it can take time to get "in tune " with eachother. If your questions are vague/they dont understand what youre trying to ask, try explaining and rephrasing the question. If you still feel like youre "not connecting" w/him/her, ask for your money back,
5) If he/she suggests that you are the victim of a curse, a spell , etc, LEAVE and DONT PAY. If theyre not cooperative, threaten to go to the cops. A con will get very nervous and hand your money over. If you feel threatened, leave, go to the cops and ask for a police escort to get your money back with their protection.
Please understand that I do readings with the best intentions. This is my soul work. I am here to help people. I take this work seriously and do it with comapassion and integrity. It is my belief that the majority of healers and psychics are like me, just beware the few "bad apples" God bless you and guide you to your best future.


1 comment:

simplypsychics said...

Great blog love the post keep up the good work....I'll be back....

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